Free Trial and Refund Policies

Free Trial Policy

  • The 14-day trial is 100% free. (“trial”)
  • A valid credit card is required for the trial.
  • The trial will auto-renew into a subscription on day 15 unless canceled before the auto-renewal takes place. On day 15, if you have not canceled the trial, you will be charged the regular monthly subscription cost. The monthly charges will persist until cancellation is completed.
  • You can easily cancel your trial before auto-renewal by logging into your account dashboard here and clicking on the “Cancel now” button.

Refund Policy

    Refunds are not available for any charges incurred. All initial subscription charges and subsequent renewals are considered final.

    To avoid continued billing each month, you must proactively cancel your subscription before the next renewal date. Failure to do so will result in automatic renewal and corresponding charges. Monthly charges will persist until cancellation is completed.

     We offer two acceptable methods for cancellation:

    1.  Logging in to your account dashboard here and clicking on the “Cancel now” button.
    2. Email [email protected] with a cancellation request. If you choose this option, please ensure to retain a copy of the email as proof.

    It’s important to understand that activating a subscription incurs immediate costs for Scanz, making us unable to provide refunds. All sales are final.  

    We will not accept refund requests based on the following:

    1. Forgetting to cancel
    2. Claims of unsuccessful cancellation attempts
    3. Being unaware of automatic monthly billing

     We appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding our refund policy. Should you have any further inquiries or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us